Camp Mulla Came, Saw And Conquered

Written by on July 17, 2018

Instagram @campmullaofficial

A recent revelation by former Camp Mulla member Miss Karun that the group is dead was the last straw for fans who were hoping they would one day reunite.

Now a mother of one, the former teen girl sensation said the four members who made up Camp Mulla had grown so much, adding that putting their heads together is not always a smooth sailing.

The hip-hop group parted ways in 2013 and little was heard about them until September last year when they shared a stage at The Wave concert –  a move that was interpreted by many as a reunion.

Days after their electrifying performance at the concert, word went round that Camp Mulla was working on an album which would soon be released.

News that the group had gone back to studio got many fans, including yours truly, and after waiting for nine months without hearing any new song from Camp Mulla, people started asking questions.

It is for this reason that Miss Karun decided to write a statement on her Instagram page subtly announcing that the group was dead and gone.

While apologizing to their fans, she revealed that the former members of Camp Mulla had tried working together in the past couple months but they didn’t gel well the way they did before they took a break.

“We’re really sorry that the fans had to go through that “we’re back. No JK we’re not” situation,” Karun wrote in part, putting the final nail in the coffin.

Sad as it may seem, Camp Mulla will be remembered as one of the groups that changed the Kenyan sound, albeit for a short while.

The joined the music industry when Genge was big and somehow, their music was so appealing that many Kenyans switched to urban and alternative hip-hop.

It’s safe to say that Camp Mulla came, saw and conquered.

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