Written by on August 1, 2018

Have you ever been to any of the previous #NRGTurnUp events in Eldoret, Mombasa or Thika? Well, let me give you a bird’s eye view of what happens, especially since the #NRGTurnUpMacha was last Saturday at Hornbill in Machakos County.

The NRG crew arrived in style, in the NRG Convoy and aboard the NRG Nganya from Nairobi, at half past 8 on Saturday night. The crew ate and got ready for the show then at 10 PM, Mwalimu Rachel took the stage and DJ Niche the decks. And the party begun in earnest as soon as DJ Niche’s Contemporary set permeated the Machakos night air. The party really got crazy when DJ Niche, DJ Xclusive and Mwalimu Rachel held an Odi Dance competition.

It started with four participants from Machakos (two girls and two guys) who, with their skills, worked the crowd up. It got even more exciting when DJ Shawn from #NRGTransit took the stage and participated in the competition. There’s only one word to describe what transpired after – wild! Everyone – and I mean every single person in the full house, was cheering for someone. Whether it was the music or the dancers, no one truly knows for certain. What we do know is it set the stage for what transpired next.

DJ Xclusive took the decks next, and played a predominantly reggae set and I finally understood why Kenyans love reggae. They say nobody can stop reggae and that’s true. Everyone danced through DJ Xclusive’s entire set… hit after hit. Needless to say the drinks were flowing, the meat was in plenty and the music was maddeningly good. What more could anyone possibly ask for? You guessed it – a performance. Mwalimu Rachel and DJ Xclusive, at a few minutes after midnight, introduced Gabu on stage and if it seemed the night couldn’t get any more fun, the crowd was in for an even wilder ride with Gabu’s performance. I had never witnessed Gabu on stage but let me tell you – that man knows how to hype a crowd up! His NRG levels were through the roof! Performing hit after hit, everyone in the crowd sang along. The favorite seemed to be “Wabeh” based on the way the crowd reacted when he performed it. And to make his time on stage even better, he called for another Odi Dance competition where the winners walked away with Captain Morgan Spiced Rum bottles.

Machakos’ very own DJ Wesley took the decks next and started his set in true Machakos style – by playing the most popular Kamba songs ever known. I don’t remember not seeing anyone not dancing – even the NRG bosses at this point were dancing the night away. DJ Wesley turned his set up a notch with Kenya’s favorite old school hits and your usual club bangers. He played for approximately ninety minutes before Rankadah took the stage and thrilled the fans with his performance. To top the night off, Naiboi took the stage and closed the show with his most loved hits. In so many words, the #NRGTurnUpMacha was beyond imagination. Stay tuned for details on the next #NRGTurnUp on air and on all our social media platforms!

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