Ugandan Tycoon Bryan White dating Zari Hassan

Written by on September 18, 2018

What started as a joke might actually turned into something serious.

Couple of weeks ago, Socialite Zari Hassan and Tycoon Bryan White were head over heels in Arua when they went for the launch of a new Bryan White Foundation branch.

Their two-week presence in Arua however turned controversial when it was reported that it was a plot to disrupt Bobi Wine’s campaign plans for Kassiano Wadri, the district’s newly elected Member of Parliament. As though that was not enough proof, Bryan White last week visited Zari in South Africa for a few days.

This morning, a source claimed that Bryan White has spent a fortune to get Zari a new ride. As you read this, Zari has added a V8 to her fleet of cars courtesy of Bryan White. It is said that the car was given to Zari when she arrived in Uganda and it is the car she is currently cruising.

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