Kenyan Collaborations That Would Leave Tongues Wagging!

Written by on January 20, 2019

In the backdrop of the raging debate as regards the airplay (or lack thereof) that Kenyan music is accorded, ever had pertinent thoughts of an imaginary collaboration between two of your most adored emcees? Chances are, you have! As the recent-past history has it,collaborations make for some of the most revered classics;the kind that are the culmination of two strains of creative juices reconciled. Here are prospective Kenyan collabs that would bring the charts to a standstill.

Sage and Miss Karun
Vocally speaking, Sage is the Kenyan answer to Beyoncé, while Karun would most likely be Fergie-if their music group backgrounds count! (Fergie’s disastrous National Anthem rendition does not factor in here, though!) While the aforementioned comparisons might be albeit debatable, the two vocal powerhouses would sure hush all skeptics if they hit the studio together. Imagine an emotional love ballad delivered by the two: the wild vocal runs, high notes, the works!

Khaligraph Jones and Jay A

While Jay A may not make it to our radar these days, we cannot dispute that Dumbala was an absolute smash hit a few years ago. His lyrical prowess was outlandish, way before Khaligraph was a household name. Now, if the two forces got together for a hardcore rap track, the aftermath would be HipHop redefined. Their styles, akin to those of rappers from the West, would mash well. Not to mention an ounce (or many!) of their characteristic rap ego to boot!

Xtatic and Petra
It would be deemed not too kind to dub them a poor man’s Nicki Minaj and Cardi B, so let us not do that. Nonetheless, the two female rap heads are uber talented and their lyrical delivery cannot be questioned. Both hard-spitting and not devoid of charisma, a collaboration would be the perfect gift to us.

Stella Mwangi and Victoria Kimani

Try hearing an imaginary femme fatale anthem from these two blasting on the radio! Done? Didn’t that sound iconic? We know it did! That is exactly what would come of these musical barometers working on a song borne from an afternoon brainstorm in the studio. Both extremely versatile, they could hack any sound or genre that exists. Where’s that collab when we need it?

Naiboi and Arrowboy

Disclaimer; the rhyme in their names did not inspire this, but whatever!
They had an extremely succesfull year last year, and that could be attributed to their sound being more mainstream-inclining, if not anything else. Their collaboration would mostly be something that would resonate with a jilted lover, or one of those clichè love stories that have a lot to do with falling for a girl you went to school with. Their voices would make up for the regular nature of that storyline though, and a club banger could be the result. Can we get that song already, or is that too much to ask?

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