Written by on January 21, 2020

Most people like to identify themselves as either a night owl or a morning person. This means, a night owl is more alert at night when everyone else is dead asleep and a morning person has no problem waking up earlier than everybody else to get things done.


But, are these identities set in stone or is it possible to change from one identity to the other? Is it scientifically proven that indeed the early bird does get the worm? In the society we are in, waking up early gives one a head start making morning people statistically more successful than night owls.

Science dictates that if you want to be a morning person you have to literally trick your body for two weeks straight into a routine that works. This is because who you identify as, stems all the way to back to genetics.

For these two weeks, ensure that you put yourself in a morning person routine by getting up early every day for two weeks, even on weekends.

Do not snooze your alarm, this will train your body to wake up at the said time. Also ensure that you do some exercise in the morning to give you that push for the day. Small exercises like stretching and a slight jog in the house goes a long way. Exercising also helps you sleep better at night.

Because this will be new to you, there will be a lot of resistance from your body to go back to the old routine. Fight this desire by having a lot of protein filled meals. Protein helps your body stay awake as opposed to other meals.

At all costs avoid the urge to take a nap, remember a little nap takes your body back to night owl routine.

Cheers to soon becoming the early bird that catches the worm.

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