5 ways you can ensure you are always happy

Written by on September 19, 2018

Want to be happier?

Begin by being good to yourself. That may sound self-evident, but too many people skip this step and try to make themselves happy by chasing ever-higher goals, or holding themselves to ever-greater standards of perfection.

A Swiss study recently published in Frontiers in Psychology reveals that people with high levels of hope are more likely to score high in life satisfaction. Other traits, including zest, love, and social intelligence, were also linked to life satisfaction.

While some factors that affect happiness are out of our control, (yes, genetics does play a role as do current life circumstances), there are always actions we can take to amp up our good vibes.

Here are 5 ways you can ensure you are always happy

  1. Get outside. Just a few minutes of fresh air can give you a fresh perspective.
  2. Be a good listener. Seeking out meaningful conversation is proven to improve your sense of well-being.
  3. Smile. In one research study subjects who smiled after a stressful activity decreased
  4. Think of ten other things you are grateful for.
  5.  Listen to music.

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