Basic Beauty Steps For Every Woman.

Written by on February 19, 2020

As a woman, how you look often dictates how you feel about yourself. With so many beauty advertisement, ticks and ideas it’s impossible and costly to consume all of them. Not everyone has the time to get glammed up everyday in order to feel good but there’s basic beauty steps that are essential for every woman to have.


Your hair is one of the things that define your face and overall look. Always ensure that your hair is neat and clean however way you choose to rock it. Invest in oils that best suit your hair to keep it strong and healthy.


Weather you have a full face of makeup, minimal makeup or none at all, your face is the first thing people notice about you. Your face is the mental image people have of you and also how they will remember you. Keep your face clean; wash your face every morning and night, moisturize and drink water for a healthy glow.

Lips and eyes

When interacting with people throughout the day, they are always looking at your eyes and your lips, that’s why it’s important to spend extra time on these areas. Clean your eyes of any sleeping bags, conceal eye bags with concealer and moisturize your lips with a moisturizer of your choice. If you do use lipstick, invest in a good lipstick that won’t crack your lips or stain your teeth.

Hands and Feet

A woman’s hands and feet also play a key role in completing her overall look. Whether you keep long or short nails, ensure they are not chipped or unkempt. Dirty nails are also a big turn off. Always wash your feet and scrub the soles of your feet to avoid the build up of dead skin and cracks. Apply vaseline to your feet at night before you sleep and during the day to keep them soft. A hand cream is one of the must haves to moisturize your hands throughout the day.

Basic hygiene

Overall basic hygiene is the first big step to looking and feeling good.

  • A shower is a must to kill germs and add a fresh scent
  • Deodorant that works for you to ensure you don’t smell of sweat during the day and to block sweat patches on your clothes
  • Brushing your teeth and tongue twice a day is also key for fresh breath healthy teeth
  • Cleaning all the hidden parts of your body that can attract dirt like; inside and behind your ears and behind your neck


Overall, your scent is what you leave behind every room you go into. Choose a soap, lotion and perfume that compliments your natural scent.

Remember applying a strong perfume will not mask any oversight on your basic body hygiene. A perfume should accentuate your beauty steps not replace your personal hygiene.

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