Written by on January 29, 2020

Coconut is said to be the cure for everything inside and outside your body, rumor has it that it even cures heartbreaks 🙂 Just sprinkle coconut oil over your skin and drink a bit of it for your body and before you know it, you’re living your best life!


Coconut oil contains vitamin E, essential amino acids, lauric and caprylic acid which have different health benefits for your body.

For a healthy heart and weight loss promotion, drink a tablespoon of coconut oil daily and use it as your cooking oil to prepare your meals. It can be used to fry or bake food or you can add it to your tea/coffee.

Meals prepared with coconut oil not only taste better and healthier, they also aid in improving digestion,  and boosting your immunity from diseases such as; dementia and alzheimers.

For health benefits coconut oil is found to be rich in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which makes it useful for medicinal purposes. It is said to be the best in reducing yeast infections.

Application of coconut oil on your skin also helps reduction of eczema, uv radiation, wounds and burns.

Coconut oil is the best for beauty and cosmetic purposes. It’s beneficial when used bare as itself or mixed with other natural products in ‘diy’ formulas.

Studies have shown that men and women who use coconut oil on their scalp have long, thick and luxurious hair. It also plays a big role in prevention of hair damage.

It’s the best facial moisturizer and aids in treating acne and blackheads. Coconut oil is the best anti-aging remedy to a clear smooth skin.

Save yourself from numerous dentist trip and use coconut oil on your  teeth. Most people use coconut oil to do oil pulling on their teeth. This helps in the fight against bacteria, gum disease or plaques on your teeth.

Coconut oil is also best to use during your leisure time to help reduce stress as the best massage oil to use for your body.

Ensure that you buy raw, natural coconut oil with no additives, ‘pure, extra virgin raw coconut oil’ is the best to use.


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