It’s World Kindness Month!

Written by on November 15, 2021

Hello, I am talking to you. How kind have you been to people?In Fact let me narrow it to today? Have you been good to anyone one today? Well, if you are thinking about it, you need to stop reading this article, wake up, walk up to someone, and give them a compliment with a smile. You see, it’s that easy. You don’t have to go to extremes to be kind.

According to National Today “ World Kindness Day is an international holiday that was formed in 1998, to promote kindness throughout the world and is observed annually on November 13 as part of the World Kindness Movement. It is observed in many countries including the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and the U.A.E. World Kindness Day presents us with the opportunity to reflect upon one of the most important and unifying human principles. On a day devoted to the positive potential of both large and small acts of kindness, try to promote and diffuse this crucial quality that brings people of every kind together”

Well, having this  in mind, let us look at different activities you can do to express your kindness.

Share a family recipes

With December approaching, there will be plenty of family time to show your prowess in cooking. You never know, you could learn more recipes as you share. You could write the recipe down or share a book. In any case, who said that pilau has only one way of cooking? Just do it!

Do Charity!

Do you desire to make the world a better place? Well, giving your time and money to people who are not well off is one of the direct ways to do it. You don’t need so much to make someone. A mere 100 shillings is enough to buy someone lunch. Donating things such as clothes could also work. 

Offer Someone a Hug!

Are you the touchy type? Well, hugging someone might also boost their emotional confidence. Of course this has to be someone who is close to you, probably vaccinated because of the corona guidelines.

Pay Someone’s Bills

This could be something as simple as paying their electricity token or paying for their groceries. For sure, you won’t spend more than a hundred on this. Also be careful not to have the narrative of the 10% offering. That should not prevent you from spending a bit more. 

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