Written by on January 21, 2020

Today over the counter medicines are so easily accessible with or without a prescription. Whenever you go to the hospital or pharmacy, it’s a guarantee that you will leave with a bag of antibiotics.

This has lead to the misuse and over use of drugs, mostly antibiotics. Slight headache, stomach ache, flu, undiagnosed ailment, most people run to antibiotics. This kind of misuse usually leads up to antibiotic resistance in the body, scientifically known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

AMR is said to be the leading cause of rare diseases, growths in the body and even cancer. Due to this, the fight against it, is to turn to alternative medicines for home treatable diseases. This is because alternative medicine is natural, cheaper and in this case more efficient.

Honey is one of the leading natural antibiotics. It’s said to contain hydrogen peroxide making it viable to use on wounds and cuts.  A spoonful a day is said to keep the heartburn and ulcers away. As a beauty product honey is usually used to cure acne and blackheads.

Garlic is also a natural remedy for infections and allergies. It works best when ingested raw but only ingest in small amounts because excessive intake of garlic may cause internal bleeding. It should be your go to recipe for a flu, mixed together with lemon, ginger and honey, boil in water and drink to quick recovery.

Onions are not just good for adding taste to food, they contain cysteine sulphoxides that aid in killing bacteria and infections. The best way to use onions is to cut them in half and leave them out for about ten minutes then cook with coconut oil. Eating this mix helps lower cholesterol, asthma and diabetes


When you’re feeling sea sick and nausea, use Ginger as your first option. It’s natural extracts are said to have natural ingredients that help kill bacteria. The best way is to chew ginger raw or boil it with water and lemon.

This is not a pass to cut off antibiotics completely, they are useful when they are prescribed by a qualified Doctor.

If your symptoms persist visit a hospital and if antibiotics are prescribed for you, ensure that you finish the full dosage to avoid resistance.




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