Friends and Family

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Nothing can keep you from a happier future than a lingering relationship wound. We’ve all been there: Experiencing good love gone bad is painful. It doesn’t really matter what the circumstances were, or who was right and who was wrong. The bottom line is that it hurts and that the pain is preventing you from moving forward. If […]

A relationship or the marriage institution requires more than just love for your partner in order to prosper. When children come into the family,it has been argued that the attention shifts to the kids which if not handled in a proper way might affect the relationship Marriage is like a human body and therefore needs […]

I met a pushy man recently, who was hell bent on influencing my decisions to suit his agenda, sometimes subtly and other times brazenly, while convincing himself (and trying to convince me in the process) that he respected women and would never do anything to disrespect them. Quite laughable, because his actions were the exact […]

“That’s so immature.” Are these words always thrown at you by your woman? If so, then it times to step up and become a mature man, the kind that real ladies always yearn for. Here are 10 pointers that highlight what women mean when they say they want a mature man. One who understands that […]

Misunderstandings are the biggest problem in most relationships. When you love someone, you can easily take it for granted. But love is not something to think lightly about. Here are 5 ways to show her you really do love her! Talk respectfully. Don’t make her feel like she is less important. Listen to her. Not just to the […]

Want to make your sweet girlfriend feel more special and loved? Use these 20 great ways on how to make your girlfriend happy to do that, every day. Making your girlfriend feel happy and loved isn’t a complicated confusion. In reality, it’s very simple. You just need to make her feel special and cared for […]

1. We can’t decide whether to manage money jointly or separately Sharing or having split bank accounts has made most of the couples argue about it. For fear of incuring losses. 2. My partner is in debt. Each time I have made money and want to put it in use, I can’t mainly because my […]

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