Here are 5 things to never brag about:

Written by on October 27, 2018

There’s a fine line between confidence and conceit, and positive thinking won’t help clear that fine line. Confidence is when you know you can take action, step up, deliver, and get the job done. Conceit, on the other hand, is a coverup for insecurities and ego, so you tend to brag about yourself. Being boastful, however, isn’t the mark of a truly mature person. Here are several things you shouldn’t brag about because you could turn off people.

Here are 5 things to never brag about:
  • Your car, truck or van. Okay, so not many people brag about their minivan. …
  • Your sports team. 
  • Your “night to remember”
  • Your significant other. 
  • Your job.

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