Written by on July 25, 2018

Andrew Kibe is a man who believes in three things:

1. A woman’s sexual satisfaction is not his responsibility.

2. Women were created for the sole purpose of child bearing.

3. It is impossible for a (gorgeous) woman to have a platonic relationship with a (handsome) man.


I learnt these things about him during a fifteen minute conversation which was really supposed to be a “get to know Andrew” type of interview, which he deflected from and eventually declined. But in the fifteen minutes I sat with him, I learned what I could and graciously excused myself before pulling my little hair out from the roots. At some point, my gut strongly told me that he was saying outrageous things to elicit a reaction from me because that’s what he does – eliciting reactions. That’s quite likely his drug of choice.

Andrew is not a person one (especially a feminist) would easily relate to, or have a civil conversation with. He’s certainly very rough around the edges, extremely self absorbed and unapologetic in his perceived truth, yet he’s also not keen to reveal his true nature behind the braggadocio and assumed misogynistic views. I say assumed because for a man who thinks so little of women, he certainly surrounds himself with a lot of them. He is the embodiment of traditional patriarchal thoughts with a healthy dose of selective supporting dogma. But if it were to be stripped away carefully, like peeling an onion, you’re likely to find a fragile yet flavorful core. So maybe something somewhere along his life’s journey happened and he snapped, and never went back to original settings. Maybe I’ll find out in a couple of weeks. Or months. No one knows.

He also deflects a lot… it’s nearly impossible to get a direct answer from him. He seems to always be on defensive mode so a simple, straightforward question will be met with a deflection so wild you’d wonder when you left Nairobi and ended up in Cambodia. If you press on, he’ll redirect the question to you and make it about you, with the primary goal of eliciting a reaction. And if you don’t tell him what he expects to hear (based on his beliefs) or react the way he expects you to react, then you’re a liar. He says he’s very good at picking up on liars. I wonder… Oh well. To each their own.

In a quest to find out who Andrew Kibe truly is and how his mind works, I found the personality we see on social media and hear on #NRGBreakfastClub – and I strongly believe that’s not the real Kibe. It was both disappointing and underwhelming to say the least. Maybe I’m a hopeless romantic when it comes to humanity. Maybe I’m a believer in the inherent goodness of mankind. I’m not very keen on having another conversation with him yet, I need to stockpile on NRG and grace to seek more information. In the meantime, if you’re looking for someone to make your blood boil and get you foaming and seething with fury or NRGized for the day, tune in to #NRGBreakfastClub every Monday to Friday from 6 AM to 10 AM. Your mornings will never be the same.

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