Naiboi, Kenya’s Most Underrated Artist

Written by on July 17, 2018

Despite having been in the industry since 2003, Michael Clevar Odhiambo, who goes by the moniker Naiboi, remains unknown to many Kenyans.

The Pacho Records founder was known as Rapdamu until five years ago when he decided to take a backseat in music production and decided to concentrate on building his brand.

This transition saw the ‘birth’ of Naiboi, a blend of the words Nairobi and boy, and since 2014 he has been working with a number of producers signed to his stable to get his name out there.

Some of the producers include; his business partner Cedric Kadenyi a.k.a Cedo, Jack on The Beat, Jegede, Ilogos and Rixx, the lad who produced Naiboi’s latest single Dinda.

With such a talented team behind him, it does not really come as a surprise that Naiboi, who was unveiled as one of Safaricom’s Twaweza Live artists in May, has been on heavy rotation in the last three years.

Apart from solo releases, Naiboi has featured in a number of collabos in the last two years and truth be told, most of those projects would not be successful if it weren’t for him.

Take for instance his song with Rosa dubbed Inside, imagine what it would sound like without his hook. Better still, how would Gudi Gudi sound like without Naiboi’s part?

When you step into any Kenyan club, chances are you’ll hear three or four songs by Naiboi in your first hour at that joint, regardless of where it’s located. I know you agree with me.

Sadly, though, despite his all his achievements and a remarkable music career, Naiboi remains one of Kenya’s most underrated and unappreciated artists.

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