Veterans Gidi Gidi Maji Maji to make comeback this weekend 

Written by on August 23, 2018

Veteran rappers Gidi Gidi Maji Maji are expected to make a comeback in the music industry this weekend in Kisumu after ending their 16-year break.

The two artists who now work in radio, are set to perform at the Kisumu Show Ground on Saturday, August 25, during the Safaricom Twaweza Live concert.

Taking to social media, each shared about their anticipated live perform that will remind many of their glory days when they were riding high with hits such as Atoti, Unbwogable and Ting Badi Malo.

“Unbwogable final rehearsals, Kisumu are you ready? This Saturday at the Showground. GidiGidi and MajiMaji at the Safaricom Twaweza Live,” Gidi wrote on Instagram. 

Maji Maji added on his account:

”After final rehearsals. We are now sure! Radar is clear. Gidigidi and Majimaji. Follow for video snipets of what to expect,” Maji echoed. 

Here’s the rehearsal they posted on their social media accounts.

Current track


