Wema Sepetu banned from acting after intimate videos

Written by on October 27, 2018

The Tanzanian Government through its Film Classification Board has banned actress Wema Sepetu indefinitely from taking part in any film related activities after her intimate videos leaked online.

The actress shared a video kissing her husband while half naked on social media a thing that didn’t impress the authorities.

On Friday, the regulatory Body, issued a statement directing that Wema would not be allowed to shoot or direct any movie, until the time they will be satisfied that she has changed her ways.

“Bodi ya filamu Tanzania inamfungia #WemaSepetu kutojihusisha na masuala ya filamu kwa muda usiojulikana hadi pale itakapojiridhisha kuwa amebadilisha mienendo yake. Hatua hiyo imetangazwa leo na bodi hiyo ikiwa ni siku moja baada ya staa huyo kuomba radhi baada ya kusambaa kwa video inayomuonesha akinyonyana ndimi na mpenzi wake” reads part of the Statement.

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