3 Way to Travel to Nairobi

Written by on November 19, 2021

This morning when I woke up, I was imagining how life would be if I flew to Nairobi from Rongai. Okay, level with me first, I have to sun bathe, do my daily prayers, eat breakfast then prepare to leave for work. When I step outside the door, I know for a fact that the touts are probably going to come running after me the moment I get to the bus station. To trick me into boarding their vehicle, each of them claim their vehicle is almost full, only for me to board and discover that I am alone.

Human beings are conditioned to make work easier. Therefore, once or twice you will find me going over other options of travelling work. To be honest I once removed my yellow pad to write my pros and cons. I did have my research. Let’s look at the distance, roughly when there is no traffic, Rongai is a 30 minutes’ drive from town. Well, you already guessed how far it is with traffic. It is an almost one and half hours drive or two hours when it goes to the extremes. How else can you travel in a shorter time?

Bike Riding

When was the last time you rode a bike? We can all agree that your speed and tolerance is what makes you hope for it. Apart from making it convenient, cycling will also give you health benefits such as improving your heart beat, cutting weight, gaining muscle and finally increasing your blood flow. I have always wanted to own a bike, maybe it’s time I owned one!


This is one of the most affordable ways of travelling. Usually, most roads in Kenya have made it possible for motorcycles to be driven through safely. I would go for having a rider with me. Boarding a boda is convenient especially when you have to cover a shorter distance and you have to be punctual. In this case I would want to gear up, a protective jacket and helmet.


Let’s think about a flight from Rongai to Nairobi. I was wondering whether we could go for a 10 minutes flight.This is a guaranteed way of saving time. However, how much do you think we could spend on one flight? Okay I was being over-ambitious.

Let’s try and snap back to reality. For now, catching a Matatu is the only option I have. As I board it, all I can do is buckle up and get started on my journey. I know for sure the “manyangas” will entertain me throughout. Tell me, how do you get to Nairobi?

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