The Man Who Lifted Njugush Out Of Poverty

Written by on September 12, 2018

Timothy Kimani, known in entertainment circles as Njugush, is without a doubt the most sought-after comedian in Kenya at the moment.

His career has really grown over the years and this is easily evidenced by the number of brands who have jumped on his massive following in a bid to popularize their products or services.

In 2018 alone, Njugush has worked with big brands such as Safaricom, KFC, Crown Paints, Pwani Oil, Renault, DKT Kenya, OPPO, Fresh, Jumia, Multichoice, Chandaria Industries, Silverstone Air, PSK just to name a few.

With such big corporates always at his beck and call, the chap who studied Journalism at the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication (KIMC) is definitely earning big bucks. Actually, he could be the richest comic in Kenya.


However, things have not always been rosy for the 27-year-old. Njugush’s journey has been marred with so many low moments, the last of which was a blessing in disguise.

Abel Mutua, who went by the name Freddie in the Citizen TV classroom drama Tahidi High, has played a pivotal role in Njugush’s life and chances are we would not know about the latter today were it not for him.

You see, Njugush and Abel were both members of the drama club at KIMC. In a previous interview, the former stated that Abel liked how he portrayed an old man role during their practice sessions.

The two exchanged contacts with Abel promising to call him. Three years down the line, that call finally came and he asked Njugush to be part of Hapa Kule News.

After a while, he became one of the creative directors of Hapa Kule News. Sooner than later, another show titled The Real Househelps of Kawangware (TRHK) was born.

Njugush acted in both shows for about two years and left in 2016 following the departure of Abel. He explained that he was not sure how the new scriptwriter would bring out his role.


His departure from TV marked the beginning of a new era. With the help of Abel again, Njugush decided to focus on popularizing his brand.

Since he had a lot of time on his hands, Njugush would shoot funny clips and share them on social media. In no time, he grew a massive following since many people could relate to his content. His bet had finally paid off.

Soon enough, corporates started noticing his talent and ability to incorporate products or services into his skits with so much ease. Before long, Njugush was laughing all the way to the bank.

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