Nameless narrates almost dying due to bleeding in the brain

Written by on October 15, 2018

Singer David Mathenge AKA Nameless has opened up about a brain condition that nearly killed him in September last year.

The singer, in an interview, shared that he almost died last year due to ubarachnoid haemorrhage, which is bleeding in the brain but got lucky after going to hospital immediately.

I was in a board meeting, it was for PRISK. It was quite an intense board meeting that went on for about five or six hours. Then I started getting weird sensations in my throat. I thought if I drink water or sprite it’ll ease, I felt it creeping into my head. It was like bubbling.

“I started feeling a thumping and people who were in the boardroom were like hey are you ok? I told them I am not feeling good and I need to leave. I walked down the stairs, just in that short time probably like one minute, but by the time I reached the door of my car, I could tell something was totally wrong,” said Nameless.


Every time I have been in a near death situation, my first reaction is to say No! I have been on a car accident and in this case, as I found out later, I was saying No! I am not going now! I can’t! I am not ready to go!

“So, I was holding my head like this because I remember it felt like it was going to explode and I could feel it boiling…I was like No! No! No! I am not going, I can’t go,” he explained.

 was at HDU for 10 days, after the 10 days I was moved to a normal ward. They were like now we have reduced some of the medicine and the blood is reducing. In total, I think I stayed for three weeks.

“The only problem for me, separate from the haemorrhage, is when I lie on the back for long I have intense pain. I have always had an issue with my back.

Some painkillers were suppressing it and I didn’t realize it but after five days the pain surpassed the one that was already being suppressed. I had to be taken back to theatre. That developed just because of me lying horizontally for too long.”

“I was told by the doctor bro you just almost died, forget about work….Then it sank in, that shifted me to just relax, it was high season, I had bookings, I had to tell them no. Let me just enjoy being alive,” he said. 

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