Producer Dr Sappy won’t press charges on Redsan

Written by on September 20, 2018

Redsan’s producer Dr Sappy has confirmed that Redsan assaulted him but won’t press any charges.

The producer was a trending topic for the better part of Wednesday after word emerged he was in a fight with Redsan. In an interview with SDE he said it’s true Redsan hurt him but he’s not taking the matter to the police.

“We agreed to work on the album and afterwards, we’ll figure out issues to do with copyright. The agreement was that we would have a sit-down with Sony Music (where Redsan is signed) on Friday 14 before the Saturday performances to figure out the aforementioned matter. However, that was not the case as Redsan kept him out of the loop on the details. The agreement was that we would go for the band practice, appearances and interviews together but that was not to be,” Sappy said.

“I figured that with the Tiwa Savage saga, he was probably under pressure and he’d explain later as to why he went silent. On Sunday, Redsan called me but I did not receive his calls as I was out of town. I travelled back to Nairobi on Monday. Come Monday, he caught me off-guard as he showed up at my studio demanding to know why I did not receive his calls. “Nikamuuliza ni nini bro? Mbona wakuja hivi? Sijapokea simu ni simu yangu, naeza pokea ama nisipokee.”

He added:

“I was left wondering why he beat me up yet I hadn’t spoken negatively about him to the press or insulted him.”

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