Janet Mbugua had a health scare after giving birth to her second born

Written by on October 15, 2018

Former Citizen TV news anchor Janet Mbugua had to spend an extra two weeks in hospital after giving birth to her second born Mali Mwaura Ndichu.

Mbugua, in a live session with her fans on Instagram, shared that she had to undergo surgery after delivering her new born.

“It was insane, I underwent a surgical procedure next to my newborn. I had multiple meltdowns and I thank my family members (both mine and my hubby’s) for being supportive. They were there for me. Most incredible families,” narrated Mbugua. 

Janet further discloses that she spent two weeks in hospital recovering after the surgery. She is now recuperating at home, her condition has greatly improved.

“I was hospitalized for two weeks and been on a recovery journey for one and a half weeks. It has been really tough, but I’m back getting healthier.”

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