Nameless About To Hop On The Gengetone Bandwagon?

Written by on April 18, 2020

With the advent of Gengetone increasingly taking center stage, artistes from other genres are blatantly jumping on the bandwagon, perhaps in their quest to appeal to the younger demographic and court longevity while at it. Artistes like Jua Cali and Council are just some of the ones who have had collaborations with Gengetone artistes in the recent past.

As if that was not enough, the most unprecedented one to jump on the craze is highly likely to be prolific Kenyan musician Nameless. While it is not crystal clear that the veteran singer is the next to go that route,the prevailing activity on his Instagram is a tell-tale sign that Uncle Monski (that’s his showbiz moniker!) has something up his sleeves as regards Gengetone.
Taking to his Instagram,Nameless has been on a string of ‘learning’ new Sheng words and having a ball while at it. The Megarider singer has shared new words he has learnt so far and implored his followers to coin creative sentences during this social-distancing period. The four most creative,he promises,are in return going to win airtime worth Sh 250. This innovative tactic might as well be his way to create a buzz for an upcoming Gengetone-inclined release. Let’s cross our fingers at the prospect of that.

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