Written by Caroline Wamuyu on July 18, 2023
Love often marks the end of the story. It’s the final chapter before the conclusion, the journey the main character embarked on in the beginning. It’s the driving force, the inspiration behind the words. Love, this nostalgic and undeniable feeling, seems to be the ultimate purpose of everything.
And I kind of want to ask…
Sure, looking into the eyes of someone you care about is incredible. But so is gazing at a sky full of stars on a July night. Falling asleep next to someone is lovely. But so is dozing off in a beach hammock, gently swayed by the breeze. Sharing first experiences with someone is great, but so is filling your mind with all kinds of unforgettable firsts, achieved solely by yourself. Understanding everything about someone else is intense and life-changing, but nothing is as intense and life-changing as discovering who you truly are and who you aspire to be.
Falling in love is magical, but there is magic in many places, people, and things that have nothing to do with love. There is immense societal pressure today to fall in love, be in love, and make love the center of our lives. In this pursuit of finding that special someone, we fall into a dangerous cycle of seeking someone special but neglecting to search for ourselves.
I don’t believe life is about finding someone else to feel complete; it’s about finding completeness within ourselves. It’s about discovering places that make us feel at home. It’s about surrounding ourselves with friends who inspire personal growth. It’s about carving our path and building a life that fills us with pride. It’s about embracing new experiences and creating lasting memories. It’s about having encounters that broaden our perspective, touch our hearts, and nourish our souls and minds.
You don’t need another person to make your life perfect. You don’t need another human being to fill the missing piece in your life. You can do it on your own. You can find peace and happiness within yourself and with what you have right now.