Written by on October 27, 2020

Does love and sex couple in any way? This is the big question. A lot of individuals ask themselves if it is possible to have sex with somebody without including emotions.

Sex is unquestionably pleasuring when it is between people who love each other. A ‘one-night stand’ might not be able to satisfy a person fully, one only gets satisfied physically but not emotionally or mentally. Sex deepens feelings between two people. We see ‘friends with benefits’ in one way or another ending up devasted and broken-hearted this is due to emotional confusion and also misinterpretation of experiences.

Love is able to bring a lot of comfort during sex. With love also comes trust. Trust is needed in order to have sex. With trust for example one does not feel judged in any way, one is able and open to state what their wants and needs are in order for their yearnings to be fulfilled, one knows how far they can go when it comes to sex, and with trust, they are able state how far they can go. Sex is able to show the physical charisma between two lovers.
Most marriages fail due to lack of sexual fulfilment. Lack of making love during a relationship makes lovers feel like their significant other does not want them physically. This also makes one feel like they are not loved which ends up destroying relationships and marriages.

In conclusion, it is acceptable to say that love and sex go hand in hand. It is hard to have sex often without falling in love or getting your emotions all over the place. It is important to know what you want before getting yourself into relationships. It is also okay to get into a celibate relationship if you and your significant other agree and trust each other.

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