Written by on July 22, 2020

Almost everyone has thought of what the world will be like after COVID19 especially because of the major changes that have occurred during this pandemic.

What will be the new normal? How will human beings and animals adapt?

There have been a few predictions made by experts and observers on what the new future may look like.

Heavy adoption of the digital world; There will be a great adoption to the digital world in work, school and leisure activities. Working from home, schooling from home, medical consultations, as well exercising and home workouts may progress way after this pandemic season is over. Predictions of heavily using digital mechanisms to do things and to engage with others is definitely a given in the times to comes.

Less travels and globe-trotting; Predictions of less movement around the world is also out there. People have found that work travels are not essential as most meetings have been done via zoom and other online services. Most people will then only travel for leisure, this means that there will be seasonal movement and with fewer people.

Online shopping will be on the rise; Due to COVID19 we have all adapted to shopping online. Supermarkets have also jumped into the bandwagon which was once the only service that required us to visit physically. Predictions show that our future will be all about us shopping for everything at the comfort of our homes.

Cashless transactions; This was strongly introduced by government directives to ensure that people were not touching to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Service providers have ensured that we can do national and international transaction by a touch of a button. This will in turn become our new normal.

A priority on hygiene and personal space; Sanitizers, masks and soaps have been like gold during this season. Everybody has taken keen interest in their hygiene in an aid to stop the spread of the virus. Statistics say that once you do something consequently for 21 days it becomes part of your identity. We can then say that washing our hands for 20 seconds, sanitizing frequently and maintain social distance is now part of our identity.

Rise of Digital events; Event companies have adapted well to hosting online events on different social media and online sites. This adaption has brought about a lot of creativity, engagement and connection across the world. This goes to show that there will be a high rise of online events in the future.

Speaking of Online events, be sure to tune in to the biggest virtual concert on the 30th of May 2020 from 10PM. We are one Africa in partnership with NRG Radio will be hosting a virtual concert in the pursuit of fighting COVID19.

All the proceeds going to AMREF Health Africa COVID-19 Response Fund.

Don’t Miss out!

By Esther Masaa.

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