Written by on July 22, 2020

We are all aware that due to the economy lockdown was lifted in Kenya as well as opening up of inter county movements. This was not done because corona has gone away thus we have to be extra careful as we move about our day.

Sanitize before and after you use public means. Matatus and buses are carrying people everyday and you never know who touched the handles or sat on the seat before you.

Clean and sanitize tables and chairs before you sit on them in a restaurant. It’s certain that the restaurants are taking precautions but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Wear a mask wherever you go, either to the office, salon or on your day to day activities. Do not remove your mask till you get home.

Avoid crowded areas like church, weddings or concerts. As much as the government has passed the law on the number of people that should be in a gathering, if you can avoid it, don’t go.

We are now able to meet long lost friends and family thus do not hug them  and maintain social distance. This will help you not contract or pass on any bacteria.

Last but not least, sanitize your phone and laptop regularly. These are the items you are constantly touching thus ensure that they are clean at all time.

Stay safe.

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