President Uhuru Kenyatta for the second time in a row will not be able to meet Kenyans living US

Written by on September 24, 2018

President Uhuru Kenyatta for the second time in a row will not be able to meet Kenyans living in the United States of America. The president is in the US for the 73rd UN General Assembly (UNGA) and this is his second trip to the world power nation in a period of one month the last being when he met his US counterpart President Donald Trump.

Kenya’s ambassador to the US Robinson Njeru Githae said that it won’t be possible for the President to have a one-on-one meeting with the Kenyan diaspora there as a result of the President’s tight schedule. He is scheduled to hold meetings with other leaders but Kenyans wanted to put him to tasks to elaborate more on the prevailing state of the country’s economy. He will also address the UN General assembly.
“As far as I am know, there no such plans but the President will be attending so many meetings with the Heads of States and development partners while in New York,” said Amb. Githae.

The president left the country on Friday night on low profile while the country was trying to come terms with the taxation measures imposed by the government to raise sh360 billion to help cover a budget deficit. Uhuru signed the Finance Bill, 2018 12 barely after being passed by parliament in an acrimonious session.

The house leadership has been accused of depriving members of the August house their democratic powers with what was a clear plan to ensure the executive had their day. Some members of parliament have now threatened to initiate an impeachment motion on speaker Justin Muturi.

President Uhuru Kenyatta apart from selling out his Big Four plan to other elders, he is also expected to rally support and champion for the upcoming Blue Economy Conference set to be held at the KICC in November this year.

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