Bobi Wine jets into Kenya for 5 day tour

Written by on October 17, 2018

Embattled Kyandondo East Member of Parliament Robert Kyagulanyi also known as Bobi Wine jetted into the country on Wednesday October 10 for a 5 day tour on the invite of vocal Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino.

Wine was accompanied by fellow youthful legislatures from Uganda and are set to discuss issues related to governance among other issues that affect the youth in East Africa.

The meeting which is convened by Kenya Young Parliamentarians Association under the leadership of Babu Owino will receive a key note address from Wine. The musician turned legislature has been on loggerheads with Ugandan authorities in his quest for change in leadership. This has led to his arrest, incarceration and torture by the Ugandan military and is currently facing treason charges.

The vocal critic  of President Yoweri Museveni administration was brutally tortured after he was arrested for allegedly stoning the President’s motorcade and was later accused of being in illegal possession of firearms.

The charges were dropped and the firearms mysteriously disappeared He flew to the US to seek treatment and upon his return to Uganda was arrested at the airport and driven straight to his home to prevent him from addressing the people.  Reports emerged from Ugandan media that his UK based lawyer had been banned from stepping foot in Uganda.

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