baby daddy

Karen Nyamu and DJ Saint Kevin came together to celebrate a special milestone for their daughter Teana, who just turned 10 years old.  Despite their past relationship, it’s heartwarming to see them unite for their child’s birthday.  Teana is Karen Nyamu’s firstborn and the only child from her relationship with DJ Saint Kevin “Double digits […]

Self-proclaimed president of single mothers, Akothee has expressed her concern over the current situation between Nigerian dancer and singer Korra Obidi and her ex-husband, Justin Dean.  Recently, Dean won a case against Korra, which stops her from sharing any photos or videos of their two children online.  Korra is devastated by this and is requesting […]

In a YouTube video uploaded on February 5, Carrol Sonie indirectly but unequivocally addressed Mulamwah’s much-derided “I’m a baby daddy” TikTok challenge, responding to the accusations of being a toxic baby mama. Acknowledging the label placed on her, Carrol gave her perspective, providing insights that touched on various aspects mentioned by Mulamwah in his video. […]

Comedian Mulamwah has taken part in a TikTok challenge that has left Kenyans asking if he is acknowledging he has a child or not. The content creator on Sunday, Feb 4, shared a video attempting to highlight the challenges men go through with their baby mamas. He explained things that men are told about being […]

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