Phil Production founder Philip Karanja has shared lessons learned from his divorce from Kate Actress. Speaking during an interview with CTA (Cleaning The Airwaves.) Phil shared that he does not blame anyone for his divorce.“Divorce took me to a place of looking myself inwardly and understanding where I went wrong, where I fell short. Why […]
In what’s sure to be one of Hollywood’s biggest breakup stories of the year, Jennifer Lopez has officially filed for divorce from Ben Affleck, marking the end of their much-celebrated reunion. Y Bennifer 2.0, as fans dubbed them, has called it quits after what seemed like a fairy-tale rekindling of their early 2000s romance. Sources […]
Shaikha Mahra Mohammed Rashed Al Maktoum, a Dubai princess, announced on Instagram that she has allegedly divorced her husband. The Dubai princess married Sheikh Mana Bin Mohammed Bin Radhis bin Mana Al Maktoum last year. Their wedding day was considered as the most extravagant wedding ceremony of 2023, and they celebrated their honeymoon in Mykonos, […]
US Singer and songwriter Arian Grande and Dalton Gomez are finally divorced. The two finalized their divorce yesterday after nearly three years of marriage. Six months after the 30-year-old popstar filed for divorce from 28-year-old Gomez, their marriage officially dissolved on Tuesday 19th of March. The terms of their split were agreed upon last year […]
In a candid conversation with DJ Krowbar on the reality series ‘Love in Wild,’ DJ Mo disclosed the challenges they faced, with both him and Size 8 blaming each other for the losses, almost pushing their marriage to the brink. “We have two children, but we lost two others. The loss affected both of us. […]