Finance bill

A photo of Nakuru Town East MP David Gikaria wearing a T-shirt with an apology message has gone viral. The legislator is among the MPs who voted for the controversial Finance Bill in the National Assembly. The T-shirt read, “I’m sorry, please forgive me for not listening to you in rejecting the finance bill.” The […]

US-based Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o has joined others in expressing concerns about the anti-tax protests in Kenya.  She has rejected the proposed Finance Bill 2024 and has shared encouraging words amid the tension over the proposed tax measures, which aim to generate an additional 346 billion in revenue.  Kenyans have been rejecting the bill and […]

President William Ruto commended the government security agencies for protecting Kenya and its people during Tuesday’s anti-Finance Bill protest. “I thank our security officers who were on duty today for applying themselves to the best of their abilities, in the defence of Kenya and its people,” Ruto said. The Head of State further assured Kenyans […]

Several key activists were abducted in overnight operations in the country just hours before anti-Finance Bill demonstrations.  Officials stated that this was one of the strategies being used to prevent the planned protests against the proposed taxes.  Vocal social media and political activist Gabriel Oguda was among those taken, along with at least ten other […]

Kenya’s first female Somalian comedian Nasra Yusuf, has come out and declared that she will be running for a political seat come the next elections. In a joint media interview last week on Friday, the comedian expressed her sorrows and hurt for the current Finance Bill. According to the comedian, the government was being unjust […]

Ugandan politician Bobi Wine has written an encouraging message to Kenyans amid the peaceful protests against the Finance Bill 2024.  This week, simultaneous activities are taking place across the country as Kenyans express their opposition to the controversial bill. Mr Wine urged Kenyans to fiercely protect their freedoms, saying, “Power to you, young people of […]

Janet Mbugua has been keeping a close watch on the peaceful protests staged by Kenyans against the proposed Finance Bill 2024. The bill advanced to the Committee of the Whole House after passing its second reading, with 204 MPs voting in favour and 115 against.  Despite being in Mombasa for a conference and unable to […]

Prominent comedian turned philanthropic human rights activist Eric Omondi, who is still mourning the loss of his younger brother Fred Omondi, has joined other Kenyan citizens in expressing their dissatisfaction with the proposed 2024 Finance Bill. Using his social media platforms, Eric criticised the 204 Members of Parliament who voted to advance the bill to […]

City preacher and life coach Robert Burale has expressed his disappointment with most churches and religious leaders due to their silence regarding the ongoing public outcry calling for the rejection of the proposed 2024 Finance Bill.  Burale highlighted the irony of the church only speaking out when the issues at hand benefit them.  He emphasised […]

Rapper and activist Juliani has announced his plan to join hundreds of Gen Z youth in Nairobi on Thursday afternoon for protests against the 2024 Finance Bill.  The first protests occurred on Tuesday when the bill’s report was presented in Parliament for the first time by the chairman of the Finance Planning Committee, Molo MP […]

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