Happy Lovers

Love is a confusing thing, but it’s something that actually has potential to grow from the first date. Read on to learn about all stages of falling in love. Love is a confusing thing. For many people love is scary, difficult, and it just hits you without you even realizing. That means it also can […]

Dating several low-quality/average women at once rather than just dating one high-quality at a time will eventually become a major headache and nuisance. You push high-quality women away and end up with low-quality women who make your life harder than it has to be. You pay the ultimate price for choosing quantity over quality. Here […]

Singer Wahu has dropped a new song dubbed “Nifanane nawe”. The song has been produced by Saint P while the video was done by J Blessing. It’s her third gospel song since she turned over a new leaf. “This is a song that talks of the awesome goodness of God our father. He is our healer […]

We’ve all been there – we’ve all had the days where we’re super down on ourselves. Sometimes those little niggling voices pipe up (usually at inconvenient times) and fill us up with yuck. It ain’t easy being YOU but you’re the BEST you there is so it’s super important to Love yourSELF. Change negative self-talk […]

It seems like relationships are becoming harder and harder to maintain these days. A good number of couples will openly confess they are not happy with their partners and are willing to end their union to look for some greener grass. But what they don’t know is that there’s not greener grass out there and […]

How do you open your heart to love again after you’ve been hurt? It’s a question that has plagued me since my own marriage ended a few years ago. I realized that the barrier to love wasn’t external. Most of the resistance was coming from within myself. They say breaking up is hard to do […]

First date jitters are a thing, because even when we can swipe right and left to find our dream match, we’re still always hit with a case of nerves when it comes to meeting them outside of our iPhone screens. Dating is like fishing. You need to prepare well, use the right equipment, be alert. […]

Want to be happier? Begin by being good to yourself. That may sound self-evident, but too many people skip this step and try to make themselves happy by chasing ever-higher goals, or holding themselves to ever-greater standards of perfection. A Swiss study recently published in Frontiers in Psychology reveals that people with high levels of hope are more […]

Relationships are some of the best things in life.  They’re fun. They’re exciting. Social psychologist Erich Fromm gave us all a big clue when he said that love isn’t a feeling, but a practice. You fall in love and the butterflies are raging through your stomach. Being with your new lover is the only thing you […]

He may not have officially tied the knot with Hailey Baldwin just yet, but Justin Bieber is reportedly firming up his ties to America. According to TMZ, the Canadian singer has applied for dual citizenship, meaning he will become an American citizen while also retaining his Canadian status. In addition to his relationship with Baldwin, Bieber has strong connections to the […]

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