Kenyans in love

Most men will say they want an intelligent, confident and independent lady but when they encounter an intelligent lady they tend to be intimidated. According to world facts, most intelligent ladies are single and this is highly driven by the men they tend to encounter. “There are fewer educated men in the world for educated […]

Being depressed can make you feel helpless. With the economy stuck, people have more reasons to be depressed—and less money to treat their depression—than in the past. Here are 10 ways you can effectively fight depression: Don’t blame yourself Talk about it Get regular exercises Eat a healthy diet Laugh more Avoid alcohol Let the sun […]

Is there a biological reason behind love feelings? And why do you fall in love with that one person you do? Why her and not the rest? It’s really difficult to know for certain whether a relationship will last the distance, but here are eight of the best signs that she’s the one. You Introduce […]

They say love is the best drug and can get you higher than anything else once you become a consumer. But it’s also just as bad, and though heartbreaks can not kill, sometimes they truly feel like they can. Here are six ways you can avoid getting a nasty heartbreak: Respect your partner  Being single […]

Do a Google search on how to get your best body and you’ll be inundated with pages of training tips. For those who want to take that same, proactive approach to creating your best relationship, I have your “exercise regimen” below. Do the things you did the first year you were dating. As the months and […]

“That’s so immature.” Are these words always thrown at you by your woman? If so, then it times to step up and become a mature man, the kind that real ladies always yearn for. Here are 10 pointers that highlight what women mean when they say they want a mature man. One who understands that […]

Misunderstandings are the biggest problem in most relationships. When you love someone, you can easily take it for granted. But love is not something to think lightly about. Here are 5 ways to show her you really do love her! Talk respectfully. Don’t make her feel like she is less important. Listen to her. Not just to the […]

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