
President William Ruto commended the government security agencies for protecting Kenya and its people during Tuesday’s anti-Finance Bill protest. “I thank our security officers who were on duty today for applying themselves to the best of their abilities, in the defence of Kenya and its people,” Ruto said. The Head of State further assured Kenyans […]

Police recently arrested Gospel artist William Getumbe because of indecent content. He was arrested because he refused to comply with the order given by the Kenya Film Classification Board, Films and Stage Play Act, Cap 222 of the Laws of Kenya. According to KFCB, he was apprehended by police from Kapsoya Police Station with the […]

A man awaiting extradition to the US on first-degree murder charges managed to escape police custody under dubious circumstances. Kevin Adam Kinyanjui Kange’the evaded police at Muthaiga police station on Wednesday, February 7, and fled on a matatu to an unknown location, raising questions about the incident. Kangethe faces a Massachusetts warrant for allegedly killing […]

In a distressing revelation, celebrated businesswoman and entertainer Esther Akothee voiced serious concerns for her safety, claiming her life is in jeopardy in Migori County. Akothee detailed a harrowing encounter at the Migori County Chief Finance Office, alleging a calculated intimidation tactic by unidentified individuals. She recounted being ambushed by goons while visiting the office, […]

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