
Content creator Flaqo Raz expressed frustration at the killings of countless youthss by the police as the wave of protests continues. The comedian lamented that it is emotionally draining, with millions of young Kenyans unhappy at the turn of events. “Honestly We need a break, But break means slowing down?meaning no breaks afterall tena unajam….Eloi […]

US-based Kenyan actress Lupita Nyong’o has joined others in expressing concerns about the anti-tax protests in Kenya.  She has rejected the proposed Finance Bill 2024 and has shared encouraging words amid the tension over the proposed tax measures, which aim to generate an additional 346 billion in revenue.  Kenyans have been rejecting the bill and […]

President William Ruto commended the government security agencies for protecting Kenya and its people during Tuesday’s anti-Finance Bill protest. “I thank our security officers who were on duty today for applying themselves to the best of their abilities, in the defence of Kenya and its people,” Ruto said. The Head of State further assured Kenyans […]

Kenya’s first female Somalian comedian Nasra Yusuf, has come out and declared that she will be running for a political seat come the next elections. In a joint media interview last week on Friday, the comedian expressed her sorrows and hurt for the current Finance Bill. According to the comedian, the government was being unjust […]

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