A Great Balanced Diet

Written by on August 10, 2021

When was the last time you had a balanced diet? What is your definition of a balanced diet? These are some of the questions we ask ourselves daily. 

 A well-balanced diet means eating the right number of nutrients to generate the body with the right energy it needs to function properly. It also means getting the right amount of nutrition to support general growth and development. It should have nutrient-rich foods from all the food types. “People who follow a balanced diet feel better and are in better health,” says the American Dietetic Association.

Eating well-balanced food is healthy and  helps children and teenagers grow and learn. It also prevents obesity. It supports growth and development for children and includes five servings of fruits and vegetables daily; lean proteins such as lean meats, nuts and eggs; whole grains for fiber; and milk for calcium and protein.

A balanced diet helps with weight control. Calorie needs depend on someone’s age, level of activity and weight goals-this could be gaining or losing weight. The foods to be taken includes low-calorie, nutrient dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. These foods satisfy hunger while meeting nutrient needs in fewer calories to help maintain a healthy weight.One could also have a diet necessary for weight gain.The under-weight people mostly have a diet that has lots of calories.

Calories are the amount of energy stored in food. According to MedlinePlus, a well-balanced diet provides the right amount of energy while maximizing nutrient intake. The foods that are eaten by a person provide strength, along with vitamins and minerals, for the body’s cells, organs, and muscle tissue. Individuals who eat a well-balanced diet are more physically motivated and able to think more clearly, Medline Plus says.

The right foods reduce the risk of contracting any chronic disease, says the Helpguide.org website. People who eat diets high in fats such as junk foods, are at an increased danger of developing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, says FamilyDoctor.org, a website of the American Academy of Family Physicians. A well-balanced diet that includes foods high in vitamins A, C, and E; selenium; potassium; fiber; and essential fatty acids will help protect against chronic disease.

Any diet containing vegetables, fruits, grains, and high-quality meats and fish may help prevent depression and anxiety. This large cross-sectional study conducted in Australia concluded women who eat a well-balanced diet were less likely to develop depression. The study also showed people who eat a diet high in refined flours, processed food and saturated fat were at a greater risk of developing depression.

This article should encourage most people to start taking note of what they eat. What you eat defines who you are. Whether you are looking to add weight or lose it, a healthy diet should be a priority.It is your duty also to make sure your young ones learn from you about their diets because charity begins at home.

A balanced-diet should be a daily habit

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