Written by on July 17, 2018

Making a baby is a two person affair, you need a man’s sperm to meet a woman’s egg, fertilize it and prepare for implantation and gestation. You know how it’s goes – high school biology explored this. That means, in one way or other, both adults were cognizant and consenting of these requirements to make a baby, except in rape cases where the victim was unwilling. Be it artificial insemination by an unknown sperm donor or casual unprotected sex between two consenting adults, pregnancy is a likely consequence. It therefore baffles me when I hear the remarkably stupid reasoning that men are being trapped by pregnancies and babies.

Newton’s third law of motion is very clear; for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When a man makes the decision to have unprotected sex with a woman, it could lead to pregnancy or contraction of any number of sexually transmitted diseases and infections – unless you’ve both been screened and declared healthy. If a man truly isn’t ready to have a child, he should therefore take contraceptive matters into his own hands. A child means he holds 50% of that responsibility, at the very least. The easiest is using a condom, and if it bursts, employ further birth control measures. If your reasoning is “she told me she was safe” and you took her word as gospel truth, then my friend don’t be surprised when she tells you she is pregnant. The conclusion is you subconsciously wanted to be “trapped” by her. That’s foolish. Be responsible for your own bodily fluids and accountable for your actions.

Contraceptives are not only a woman’s responsibility. To be sexually responsible is to be aware of the many types of contraceptives accessible to you and to use them with consideration to your partner. And to be a responsible man is to be aware of the consequences of your actions, therefore being responsible for them. If women were solely responsible for pregnancy, trust me God would have never created Adam. He would have created Eve and women would be happily asexual and would reproduce through binary fission. Men who are sexually irresponsible are the reason dead beat dads exist, and are honesty ruining it for the good dads out here. Grow up and wrap it up if you must get it on. And if you must eat your candy unwrapped, be mentally prepared for the consequences. Enough with the childish reasoning and abandonment of responsibilities.

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