Written by on August 9, 2018

Primary school science teachers had us chanting this phrase all the time, and chant we did. Little did we know that this phrase would come back to haunt us as sexually active adults. Many a time, we pay no regard to what we put into our bodies, eating carelessly as we go, yet expect to put out more than we give. Yes, I’m talking about lasting longer than a dismally disappointing three minutes during sex, and maintaining a gloriously solid erection while at it. Health truly is wealth, better believe that!

You are what you eat. If you’re on a steady diet of alcohol, cigarettes, soda and pizza, that’s exactly what you are. You can only offer a pizza erection and performance at best because that’s all your body has to offer. But if you’re on a steady diet of starch, protein and vitamins, paired with a healthy water intake, then your performance is surely bound to be A1. Brethren you’ve got to learn to eat your vegetables and hydrate! We as women are tired of experiencing lackluster sex and seeing tweets about how long an average round of sex should last because we happened to mention your performance was lackluster; fix your diet to improve your stamina. Simple as that.

Same goes for ladies; eating healthy plays a key role in your natural lubrication during sex and keeping the pH in your lady bits at a healthy level. Not too acidic, not too alkaline. You would be surprised at what the right balance of nutrients would help your body achieve. I’ll share this one secret with you; pineapples, watermelon, tangerines and grapefruits will leave you fragrant and delicious. Thank me later. It also goes without saying that hydrating regularly is the key to keeping a balanced pH level as earlier mentioned; our bodies are 70% water. It has its uses and keeping your lady bits healthy is one of them. You must therefore stay hydrated to keep the body functioning.

My hope is with these few words, we have a better understanding of what it means when we say health is wealth. You literally reap what you sow; what you put in is proportional to what you get out. It is therefore in everyone’s best interest to keep their diets healthy, stay hydrated and live healthy. You and your partners will be eternally grateful to you.

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