Written by on August 9, 2018

What is this obsession we have with how many sexual partners our significant others have had before us? What difference does the number make? What is the standard international unit for an “acceptable” number for men? How about for women? Is it beneficial to anyone anyway? And does it make your partner any less of a man / woman if their number is astronomical or disappointingly low? Show me where all these requirements are written, I would very much like to know the standard international unit. I would love to know if I’m underperforming or over performing, as well as the reason why this would be a bother to anyone.

I have always said to my significant others that there was life before them and there shall be life after them. What happened in my past is, quite literally, none of their business unless I willingly share that information with them. Same applies to them; the business of their pasts is strictly need to know and at their discretion. I therefore find it funny if a significant other is bothered by their partner’s body count – honey unless you’re with a virgin, that person definitely dabbled before you. Don’t let that bother you, use your opportunity in the present to leave an indelible mark. When it comes to women especially, having had an active sexual life in the past does NOT make her a whore, loose or immoral. This kind of misogynistic thinking is what makes men believe they own women’s bodies, and mistakenly so. Matter of fact, it really is none of your business, pal.

Being bothered by numbers of the past is what will cause you to suffer a heart attack, raise your blood pressure through the roof and make you lose your faith in the beauty of love. Instead of dwelling so much on it, appreciate the fact that your person has some experience in matters of the heart and bedroom. Hopefully, so do you and you can both learn something from each other. That way, you’ll come out of it a better person than you went in and all will be right with the world. Wouldn’t that be just lovely?

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