Feed Your Ex To Reptiles On Valentine’s: Here’s How

Written by on February 12, 2020

While some people anticipate Valentine’s with bated breath,others completely view it with disdain or downright loathe it,either because of awful past experiences or because they just do not care for it the least bit. If you are part and parcel of the latter,you might be in for somewhat of an exhilarating experience this Valentine’s.

CNN reports that the San Antonio Zoo has something up its sleeves for every forlorn lover the world over on Feb 14. With just $5,you can name a roach after your ex and watch as it is fed to a reptile or bird. With $25,you can name a rat and watch as the same fate befalls it. As if that is not mind-boggling enough,this albeit bizarre event will stream live on facebook so non-Texans can witness every last bit,as the event dubbed Cry Me a Cockroach will be held in Texas where the San Antonio Zoo is located.


For eligibility,you ought to have submitted your ex’s name on the event’s website by Feb 13.

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