Pioneering African Women You Should Know And Celebrate.

Written by on March 8, 2021

In light of it being International women’s day, let’s highlight powerful African women who paved the way for other women in different fields and industries.

These women are iconic in their own way and their stories deserve to be told from one generation to the next.

  1. She is also known for championing human rights Best known for being at the fore front of human rights and fighting for the environment, Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan, won The Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She also founded the Green Belt movement in 1977 which till this day drives people to plant trees and avoid environmental degradation.

2. Best known as ‘Mama Africa,’ Miriam Makeba fought apartheid in South Africa as an activist. Her activism lead to her losing her citizenship but also put her on the map as a key political figure. She achieved a Grammy award for her music and celebrated for introducing the world to South African music.

3. President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia was the first female president in 2006. As if that’s not enough she also won a Nobel peace prize for her non-violent struggle for women and their right to participate in peace building.

4. Nzinga Mbandi was fearless and powerful in encouraging her people in Angola to resist the Portuguese colonialism. She collaborated with the dutch to fight colonialism and fought the good fight to her death. She is best known as the Queen of Ndongo and Matamba.

5. Queen mother of the Edweso tribe in Ghana, Yaa Asantewaa was the leader of an army of thousands fighting against the British colonialists. Her army was well feared to the point of the colonialist sending her to exile in Seychelles where she lived till her death.

These are just but a few phenomenal African women that we should celebrate.

Many women in the world have paved the way, changed narratives and patriarchal rules in big and small ways; making international women’s day a great day of reflection and celebration.

Reach out to a special woman in your life today and if you’re a woman, don’t forget to celebrate yourself too.

Happy International Women’s Day!

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