Written by on August 9, 2021

I believe in true love but first things first; it is important for the people involved to know what true love is. For one to attract the other, you have to give a genuine love in return and know how to differentiate pure love from fake love. This will help you get insights on how to establish a long-lasting relationship.

Here are several differences between true love and fake love that you must know:

True love feels complete. It always appreciates every moment with you as it considers its dreams as new realities. On the other hand, fake love is not happy with you; It’s greedy and displeasing. It always wants to have something more, something different.

True love is not comfortable with lies. It takes away your worries and self-doubt, as it always shows honesty and transparency. While fake love takes pleasure in making lies; It is afraid to get near the light. It lives in the darkness and offers no enlightenment.

True love is generous and kind-hearted. It will give you love and care more than what you deserve. On the other hand, fake love is heartless; It will give you pain and bad treatment you don’t even deserve.

True love is not interested in taking credits for itself. It admits its own mistakes and even takes responsibility for the faults of others. It can let itself down to lift people up. On the other hand, fake love is boastful and excessively proud of itself; It doesn’t admit its own mistakes but rather blames them on others.

True love can endure and forgive your faults and shortcomings. On the other hand, fake love is easily angered when you make mistakes; It will quickly judge and punish you without even hearing your explanations.

True love is filled with positivity. It feels happy to see others happy. On the other hand, fake love has a heart filled with bitterness; its mind is filled with negativity. It always thinks that the world is unfair. It usually holds a grudge against you and the people around you.

True love understands you even before you say any word, as it can read your mind and feel your emotions. It will shield your relationship against things that will hinder its growth. On the other hand, fake love doesn’t care about your thoughts and feelings. Thus, it doesn’t have any idea what’s going on with you. Eventually, it will give you a toxic relationship and destroy you as a person.

True love includes you in its future and sees you as a person; it wants to be with you for the rest of its life. That is why it never gives up fighting for you and your relationship. On the other hand, fake love has no permanent plans for you. Thus, it doesn’t treat you as important, and it easily gives up on you.

I hope that this article has given insight that will also keep you away from futile suffering due to loving the wrong person. 

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