There were concerns that the 2022 Kenyan national elections would see a repeat of the 2007-08 bloodshed, which left 1,300 dead, 600,000 displaced, and underscored deep divides over land, ethnicity, and access to political power. 

I was reminded of the great power and responsibility that Kenyans have in determining the destiny of a nation and the responsibility to do so peacefully through the ballot box. Kenya’s future is limitless and anchored in a commitment to freedom, democracy, and respect for the rule of law.


Kenyans should  live up to that commitment as it serves on the UN Security Council and promotes peace in the region and around the world. However, because of improved preparation and coordination among key peace, security, and election management actors. Supported by Saferworld and partners, to prevent conflict and violence, these elections we as Kenyans have the responsibility to ensure we avoid large-scale outbreaks of violence.

The United States is also committed to walking with Kenya on its democratic journey.  The next phase of this journey begins with free, fair, and peaceful elections.  The United States does not have preferred candidates or take sides, but we do have an abiding interest in supporting the democratic process and the constitutional right of all eligible Kenyans to vote peacefully.

To support this goal, we are investing in Kenyan-led programs to improve electoral accountability and transparency, enhance civic education, protect human rights, and promote peace.


As President Biden has said, preserving and strengthening democracy is “the defining challenge of our time,” and the United States is committed to working with like-minded partners to revitalize democracy around the world.

Regardless of what Kenyan voters decide on August 9, Kenyans looks forward to finding ways to will continue to strengthen each other to fight against extremism and terrorism.  Also, maintain investments in education, agriculture, environmental protection, and public health programs to save lives and help Kenya achieve self-reliance. 

Kenya has achieved significant democratic progress since independence, and the world will be watching eagerly as Kenyans showcase the strength of their democracy on Election Day.  A peaceful election that reflects the will of the Kenyan people will further cement Kenya’s role as a cornerstone of democracy.  

Likewise, a peaceful transition of power will enable Kenya to reach greater peace and prosperity.



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