Written by on October 26, 2022

  • Always have your standards and goals set high.

But not an unreasonable `high`. A standard that even you will be comfortable in achieving and will feel attainable.

  • Envision your future and be the best version of yourself in that moment.

Just do you hunny.

  • Amp up your wardrobe

For some, dress a bit older or maturer than you actually are to get viewed mature and attract classy people. For some, stop dressing as though you are still in your teens i.e basic sneaker, tee and a pair of  jeans. Make it a bit exciting and unique. Not to say that outfit is boring, but you get what I mean. 

It all depends on you and how you want people to look at you.

    1. Don’t give a shit about what people think of you . just do you and be confident even when you feel unsure about something and people will think you`ve got it. #FAKEITTILLYOUMAKEIT
  • Learn to accept and love yourself first

Stop waiting for the right man or woman to come and give you all the love you want or give you clarity of what your life needs.

  • Make your weaknesses your strength. 

Don’t fumble or fall short of what life has to offer just because you are not good at it or feeling confident about it. Work on it and make it your stronger suite. Those weaknesses are what define you.

    1. Don’t force friendships, not everybody will love or like you. Not all your friends are your real friends or will stick with you for your lifetime. Get the real ones and go with those that are loyal and for you.
    2. You don’t have to accomplish everything. Life is short. Go with the flow. Do what you can and the rest the universe shall do.
  • Sometimes not everything goes your way but sometimes it’s for a good cause.
  1.  Don’t compare yourself to your agemates. That really lowers your self esteem and makes you feel that you are not capable of achieving your dreams or that you are too late for your dreams.


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