Written by on November 25, 2022

Have you ever sat somewhere and wondered why am I just craving something carbs like? Why do I want french fries all the time? Why am I feeling drug induced by these cravings? Could I be preggo? Side note, talking from a girl’s perspective.

At some point, we as women and even men have had these weird cravings at some point till you’re almost in a state of depression or mild low self-esteem. Because you figure that it’s fatty food or junk or unhealthy food you’re consuming which is going to make you gain weight then start feeling bad about yourself and shedding it is also a tough one.

Some of us have intense and uncontrollable cravings for crispy French fries, and although we know that it’s not healthy to indulge in these high-calorie delights on a daily basis, we still do, because these crispy things are hard to resist! But do pay attention to these cravings, especially if you are trying to get healthy.

A new study also reveals that industrially-produced French fries may have a compound called “acrylamide,” which can increase cancer risk. However, if you find cravings irresistible, it’s time to find out the real reason. We often think “hedonic hunger,” is the real reason behind indulging in high-fat and sugar stuff, which experts say, is not actually real hunger (where we eat to meet our body’s energy requirements), instead in hedonic hunger, we find comfort and pleasure from such foods.

We all would admit that foods high in fat tend to be comforting and have a magical effect in soothing jittery nerves. In fact, cravings for salty and crispy foods like French fries have been found to relieve feelings of frustration, anger, and stress.

The most common reason that triggers an intense desire to have chips and salty food like French fries – dehydration! Keep yourself hydrated and when cravings for these high-fat crispy things hit, sip on a glass of water instead.

Sometimes that “fake hunger” is in your mind. You just need to listen to your hunger cues and realize when you actually need to eat that food. Binge eating is detrimental to one’s health both mentally and physically. You also need to listen to your body. Learn when to know I’m full and when I’ve had enough. Its all in the mind. Control yourself. It’s not that serious.

Written by Florah Wanjiku

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