Theme: Return to Wonder

Our Gemini Full Moon arrives on Wednesday, December 7th, illuminating all of the areas of our life where it’s time to invite in the medicine of curiosity, adaptability, flexibility, and change.Full Moons in this sign seek to heal all of the parts of us that have stopped believing that there is more to learn, discover, and explore.

Gemini energy reminds us that Life always abounds with the opportunity to learn something new. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of Communication, the Messenger, and the Voice, and so this Full Moon is inviting us to consider the stories that we tell ourselves — about who we are, what we can do, and where we are going.

There is great healing in knowing that today does not have to be the same as yesterday, and that tomorrow holds a promise that is yet unexplored. No matter what circumstances have brought you to where you are right now, know that you can always rewrite your story.

This is an activating energy, but it also calls for patient enquiry and a willingness to listen – both to ourselves and to others. Impulsivity may be tempting, but remember that Gemini’s love language is curiosity, so take the time to survey your body, your relationships, and your circumstances. Then, trust the power of your attention and your ability to shift your perspective to one that is empowering and motivating.

This is the last Full Moon of the year. May you leave behind what needs leaving, and may you make space in your life for your inevitable return to wonder.


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