10 Biggest First Date Turn-Offs

Written by on September 22, 2018

First date jitters are a thing, because even when we can swipe right and left to find our dream match, we’re still always hit with a case of nerves when it comes to meeting them outside of our iPhone screens.

Dating is like fishing. You need to prepare well, use the right equipment, be alert. Some knowledge about your target’s feeding habits and behavioural tendencies is beneficial. But all the preparation in the world will get you nowhere if, having maneuvered yourself into the strike zone, you spook your quarry. There won’t be another chance to catch that fish.

DON’T do these things on the first date
1. Bad body odor. Invest in a deodorant kindly. First thing that follows how you dress is how you smell, little secret ladies love men who smell good it’s damn attractive.

2. Communication. You can’t start or hold a meaningful conversation, tend to talk about yourself  too much and careless of getting to know her a little more. We get you probably like her, definitely want to impress her with all your achievements & seeing her gets you tensed up but kindly take a deep breathe and Engage thy lady let her talk too.

3.  Be silent. It’s a date. You’re trying to get to know a little about each other. You have to speak

4. Don’t be fake. A guy who’s trying to be someone he’s not is a big turnoff. Keep it real, fellas

5. Sucking all the air out of the room. You know the type ~ he talks throughout the entire date. He toots his own horn, touts his accomplishments, and doesn’t ask much about you. A relationship involves two people, not one, buddy.

6. The control freak. After one date, he wants to be exclusive. Wants to move into your house. Run for the hills. This guy wants to control you, and this type of relationship will not be healthy.

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