Written by on September 3, 2018

An urban myth claiming that human beings use only 10% of their brain capacity has been widely perpetrated. It has been attributed to many people, including Albert Einstein. By extrapolation, it is suggested that a person may harness this unused potential and increase intelligence. Below are six habits that could greatly improve brain activity and harness said untapped potential:

1. Reduced Multitasking: As humans we continually convince ourselves that we can carry out multiple brain activities simultaneously. This diminishes mental productivity, elevates brain fatigue and increases stress.

2. Adequate Sleep: We all have the same 24 hours, and depriving ourselves of at least six to eight hours of sleep regularly affects the brain. Sleeping helps the brain consolidate information at a deeper level of understanding.

3. Exercise: Those new year resolutions we make to work out regularly must come to fruition if we are to harness more brain power. As little as half an hour of aerobics three to four times a week improves memory, increases attention and concentration, as well as blood flow in the brain memory area.

4. Summarize: Summarize your tasks, assignments, reading, seminars, articles and movies / shows you see. Creating abstract ideas builds a brain with an enhanced long-term memory and the ability to retrieve fundamental facts.

5. Focus: Block out information that is relatively unimportant. Limiting the intake of information is a key brain function associated with brain health.

6. Stay Passionate and Motivated: Motivated brains build faster and more robust neural connections. Identify and learn your passions, and build on them.

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