Money and Work

Page: 17

Nairobi, Kenya – Qatar Airways is pleased to announce on the 3 August 2020 the resumption of services from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) – Nairobi, Kenya with 14 weekly flights. Being one of the largest passenger carriers during the pandemic with a promised steady schedule that never dropped below 30 destinations, the national carrier […]

Due to closure of schools indefinitely during this pandemic, it has forced most if not all children to be homeschooled. This in turn has forced teachers to be innovative and creative in how they can deliver the same sort of education virtually using digital platforms. The ripple effect has been the great use of google […]

Due to the pandemic that has disrupted all our lives, it has also disrupted business and the economy at large. With people forced to stay home for their safety, there has been pay cuts and laying off of employees. Majority of people in Africa work minimum wage jobs that earn them exactly what is needed […]

Most of us young people rarely or never read the newspaper. It’s been deemed old school and for the older generation. But, there are very many benefits to reading the newspaper. Newspapers carry the news of the whole world and you can read it all in one sitting. The news is always well written, easy […]

Everyone’s goals is to be able to make quick and effective decisions that breed success. The most successful people usually make it through by reducing the type of decisions they have to make on the daily. They end up eating the same meal, wearing the same outfit and having the same routine. When you have […]

Self-discipline is one of the key traits of a successful person. Statistics have shown that people who practice self-discipline are not able to talk themselves out of doing things that are of benefit to their health or success. Acquiring self discipline is however a great task that requires a lot of willpower and self reflection. […]

It’s very easy to overspend whilst you’re in quarantine without your knowledge due to excess cash and nowhere to go. But it’s important to remember that this too shall pass. When this season ends, and God willing it will.. you need to have enough money to get back to the real world. To save money […]

Being home all day everyday can really get to you especially if you are home alone. These are a few tips to help keep your mind active and rejuvenated during this time. Get work done; don’t procrastinate on your day job. Do the most that you can to help your company get through this tough […]

Working from home may not come as second nature to everyone, that’s why it’s important to ensure you have a set routine for the day. Being home comes with a lot of distractions; Netflix is at your disposal, the temptation to entertain guests or visit a friend, as well as the urge to just curl […]

For some of us, getting up on time is not the problem. We get up immediately the alarm rings, giving us enough time to get ready for work but somehow we still get late. The problem here is, THE MORNING ROUTINE! Finding ways to quicken your morning routine and cut back on time wastage. Plan […]

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