Çarpool Karaoke A Fraud?

Written by on January 24, 2020

James Corden’s overly popular online karaoke series Carpool Karaoke could be a fraud after all. The series entails a car ride with James and A-list music stars belting out their own hits and other people’s while the latter answer the former’s questions concurrently. While it may all seem so organic and unscripted,it could all have been the reverse this whole time.

Footage is doing the rounds of what appears of a new episode featuring Justin Bieber. The video shows the Carpool Rangerover being pulled by a truck and even further reveals that Corden does not actually drive the truck. Social media has been awash with reactions with everyone expressing dissatisfaction over how fraudulent a huge part of The Late Late Show is.


Seeing the reactions,officials of the show had this to say: ”The truck was for stunts only, James Corden actually does drive for most of his ride-shares with famous musicians. The truck is only used on the rare occasion when there is a stunt component and the producers feel it is unsafe to drive.”

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